Tuesday, June 05, 2007

Diary Entries

Here are two diary entries I wrote from people in Paris. They are not fact.

Dear Diary
Today was another wonderful day in the capital of France, Paris!!!!!!!! I will never get sick of saying that. It’s about midnight now and looking back the day has been pretty jam packed. I now think I have made the right decision coming here to study at the University of London Institute here in Paris. I still miss mum and dad. I miss my sister even more though. I never actually realized how much I got on with her. It’s really strange. Now I know this sounds like something out of a cheesy movie but she always knew exactly what to say when I was in the blues. She’d be happy to know that my favourite part of the week is ringing her up. I would never tell her though she would never stop laughing at me. Right now the person sharing my room is a shy Chinese exchange student who doesn’t even speak English. No offence to her though she is probaberly a really nice girl. Today I learnt a lot of interesting and useful information from some great professors. One was from London like me. After all my classes were over I went to Galeries Lafaytte a high fashion designer shop. (One reason I like this city is it’s fantastic shopping.) The clothes in there are absolutely Fab!!!!!!!!! I wish I was rich then I would buy the whole shop (it’s nice to dream isn’t it). After that I hired some roller blades that about the size of the four other students from London. I went to their houses and hauled them out to the Friday night fever which is in the top ten must do’s for Uni students. So away we went. We roller bladed around the city for about three hours with thousands of other students. I was very tired and I still am! Tomorrow I am going to Tuileries which is according to the net one of the most beautiful parks in Paris. After a Picnic tea there I am going to Fete de la Musique with the four other students from London. It is a free concert, where you dance in the street. The next day I have volleyball practice and hopefully some decent sleep!!!!!!!!!!!!! As you can see I have a very busy schedule.
So Bye Bye for now,

Dear Diary
Well do you remember when I was complaining a terrible lot about those filthy politions. Yes well I was complaining about the fundamental rights for health care. Well have a guess what the president has just been saying……………………… he said that they want to build a better future for France. So they have come up with a policy for themselves. They are going to try to, reduce the rate of poverty, favour employment, assist families in difficulty and a sure the respect the respect of fundamental rights (in particular healthcare and housing). If I was a young child again I would shout I told you so. But on a very serious note I do hope that they follow through with all this because it would do this country a whole lot of good. Now I know what you are thinking, is it, finally that old hag has nothing to complain about. My answer to that is, well no actually. Yesterday afternoon I was walking along the street opposite that lovely new café that I told you about last week and along comes five very ignorant English students on roller blades. They were very inconsiderate and made me dodge them like one of those cartoons that are on the children’s programs. It was very unpleasant and I do not wish it to happen again. I have decided to write to the organizers of the Friday Night Fever (they were obviously part of that but decided to leave the designated track) telling them to tell the participants to stick to the designated track. Just a little note I am sure it is not only the foreign students causing the terrible but trouble. There is proberly just as many French youths doing the same thing. Oh and I just remembered a wonderful book I read. It is called ‘I was behind you’ and is written by Nicolas Fargue. I just thought I would write it down so I can come back to remember the author.
I suppose that’s enough for today,
Emily Frank.


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