Tuesday, June 05, 2007

Here is an Aztec menu I wrote.


Turtle steaks: sizzle fried on a hot plate at your table.
Rare, medium rare, welldone. Just inform
your chef.

Dog meat: curried and presented on a bed of stewed
Prickly pear and lima beans, topped with a
Tantalizing sauce with the delectable taste of
Fermented maize

Deer: a large dish with one medium, small, or large sized steak placed in the centre with one
medium sized piece of pumpkin on the side. Also decorated with beautiful chilies, black beans
and kidney beans.

Turkey :A large dish with one medium sized steak of
Turkey covered in a delicious mole sauce with
two fried, poached or scrambled turkey eggs and
a handful of tepary beans on the side.

Possum Stew: a small dish with a filling amount of
beautifully delicious possum stew with yucca
sauce on the side .

Sea life dish: A large basket filled with a fried steak of
dolphin flesh and six raw shellfish. A well
cooked, medium cooked or lightly cooked pad
of nopal (type of cactus) can be ordered with
this meal.

Frog: A medium sized dish filled with six frog legs
covered in chili sauce with chopped up sweet
manioc and avocado on the side.

Nopal: A medium sized dish with three pads of nopal
that can be cooked to your liking. Served with
epazote (pungent herb), pumpkin and avocado.

Veggie Meal : A medium sized dish with two sweet
potatoes, chopped avocado, avocado leaves,
black beans, kidney beans and tepary beans
placed enticingly on the dish.

Side dishes:
Prickly Pears

Please select the foods you would like to eat then we will settle on a price for the foods. As payment we will accept coloured feathers, gold dust or cacao beans.


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