Sunday, December 16, 2007

My Fun in Singapore!!!!!!

Hi everyone.
Here is a short (lol yeah right) story I wrote that I thought I might share with you. Hope you enjoy.

As I step out hot humid air hits my body like I’ve suddenly been thrown into a ragging bonfire. It’s then I realize that it was unnecessary to pack a long sleeve thermal. As always my legs are shaking. I am always nervous when I take my first step into a foreign country. I have been to numerous countries with my father when he is doing business. Dad leads me through Customs. As we walk I find myself staring at the huge muscliy, armed guards. I really, really don’t want to be dragged away by any of them.

We make it through the Singapore Customs without any fuss. I am very grateful for that. When we are outside (in the heat) Dad waves down one of the taxis. I always love it when he does that. I always feel like I’m in a Hollywood movie. It’s so cool. We hop in to the wonderfully cool; air conditioned taxi and drive of into the sunset. More like a crazed highway filled with angry people driving smoking cars and constantly tooting horns. I always love the overseas experience because you read the travel magazine but when you arrive you find it’s totally different to what it’s advertised. The taxi turns and parks in front of our apartment.

I have to admit I was pretty taken back by the size and shape of it. Of all the places I’ve stayed in this has to be one of the best and biggest. Imagine knowing that your dad owned that building. It’s really weird sometimes when I go overseas. We have maids. We stay in ginormous houses or apartments. I don’t have to do anything and every one treats me with a lot of respect. I guess they have an image in their head. A spoilt little girl who you have to tip-toe around or she will get you sacked. Personally I think they watch way to many un-original movies.

Our apartment was on the top floor. I got to choose between floor 26, 30, 3, and 11 so I chose the highest. I guessed I could get a pretty good view from there. I decide to take the stairs up to my room and anyway I could just get on a elevator when I got too puffed. After five floors of sprinting up stairs I was completely knackered. I think it was a combination of not being fit and jet lag. I was glad when I hopped into the elevator because it was a clear one on the edge of the building. It gave me a clear view of the city. I never get sick of them. Because I was so tired I said ‘Goodnight’ to dad and settled into my room. It was four by five meters I guessed. There was one black feature wall and the rest were cream. My bed (king size) was against the black wall. It had a huge back board but I couldn’t see what was on it until I removed what seemed to be thousands of black and white cushions. Above the bed was three separate paintings that when put together made a face.

The eyes in the centre piece followed me everywhere. I jumped onto the soft bed to have a closer look at the eyes. They seemed so real and life like. They were even watery. I then put my index finger out to touch them. “Aaahh,” I let out a scream and jumped backwards. They had blinked I was sure they had. I cautiously reached out again. What do you know? They blinked again! I ran out of my room to tell dad about this fantastic piece of artwork. Obviously they weren’t real. I found Dad sitting on a big bright red chair watching an English programme. I think it was something like ‘Rove’. I wasn’t taking much notice.
Dad, Dad,” I called. He wasn’t much notice so I called his name out in a way that he always hates, “D-a-a-a-a-a-a-a-a-a-a-a-a-a-a-a-a-a-a-a-a-ad!” He immediately swung his head around and said “What?”
“Come with me I’ve got something to show you”
“Do I have to?” groaned Dad.
“Yes, it’s really cool”
“Fine then,” dad finally hauled himself off his lazy boy and followed me into my room. I jumped onto my bed and signaled Dad with a wave of the hand to follow. He slowly (at sloth speed) made his way to me.
“Dad watch the carefully, it will blink.” I reached out and touch the watery soft eye. I t blinked. Dad shot backwards.
‘It’s real,” he shouted.
“What it can’t be,” I yelled back at him.
“Oh yes it can. I read about it in the news. A group of people who stand in the wall with their eyes in the art work so they can see what goes on in the house. They sneak into rich English peoples houses and put the artwork in. The police haven’t yet found out why they want to see the goings on in rich people houses but I’m sure the police will be happy to know that we found another of their hiding places.
I screamed at him. “Well what are you waiting for? Call them.”
Dad bolted out of the room. It seemed like Dad still had a little life left in his body after all. I looked back up the eyes were gone from the painting. Whoever had been there had proberly left as soon as Dad started talking about seeing their gang on the news.
The police arrived within five minutes. The guy was well gone by then. They sent us to the airport and told us to catch the next fight home. Apparently there was some sort of danger in us staying because the gang might want to kill us. Talk about drama. Anyway dad was pretty shaken by it all but I was just fine. I’m a 21st century kid. Stuff happens. When we got home I was on ‘Close Up’ and ‘Campbell Live’. Cool eh? So I guess that’s my little adventure.

By the way Mrs Hooper, everything in this story is true except what I have made up.

Thursday, November 08, 2007


Here is an awesome website I found. It is a video showing a dance created by 21 deaf dancers at the paralympics in 2004. It is extraordinary. Once you have watched it think about the time and effort they must have put into creating it! Think about all the obstacles they may have had to over come to get the paralympics! I think that they are all very talented people. Make sure you watch it!!!

Thursday, September 13, 2007

Here is a story I wrote. I had to write a story with the title 'Big Fish in a Small Pond' so here it is hope you enjoy.

Big Fish in a Small Pond

Life was great before this. Now, well all I do is sit here in this tiny pond. Lots of people say life sucks and they don’t even have a reason to say it. I do and can’t say it. I could try but it would probably just sound like a deep hum. Why you might ask? Well I suppose I could tell you since I’ve practically told you half of all my problems already.

Before the ‘thing’ happened I used to live in a small farm cottage with my father. The cottage was right on the west boundary of our 10 acre life style block. We farmed pigs, sheep, cows, goats, chooks and we also had a few wild geese that swam in our three small ponds. One of them had just been cleaned out so I was able to swim in it after I got of Mrs Hatchsons bus from school. That pond looked like it was out of a fairy tale. It was in the centre of one acre of bush that dad decided to spare from the bush cutters. I think it had something to do with tax cuts from the government for anyone who had some bush on their land. Anyway the bush was gorgeous. Leaves, sticks and all sorts of other debris including bright red berries littered the floor of the forest. The forest was very dense except for the track where the digger had come in. That was the track I followed to get to the lake.

The banks of the pond had short fresh new grass growing. On the opposite side of the track that lead in was wild pink roses. I once swam over to smell them but it was a bit of a let down because nearby there must have been a dead rotting goat. It stunk! I never went returned to smell the roses properly after that.

I went to the pond continually for two weeks. Nothing strange or unusual happened in that time until the first day into the third week.

I hopped off Mrs Hatchson’s bus. Unfortunately for me I slammed the door a little too hard.

”Don’t slam that door little miss you’ll be paying for it if it breaks. Just you remember that.”

She screeched at me over the noisy bus with her high pitch voice (I’m sure she is a witch). That wasn’t the unusual thing that ruined my life. That was actually practically part of my daily routine.

I then wandered down my short, gravel drive-way to my home. At that time I was in one of those moods where you have a completely blank mind. I guess you could call it the robot mood. Anyway I went inside. Dad still wasn’t home from work as usual, that left the cottage with an empty feeling. I grabbed my towel and togs from my room and left a small note for dad on the coffee table. Dad knew where I went every day so I don’t really know why I left a note each day.

I was all set. I strode out of the back door. The robot mood had somehow disappeared from me sometime when I was inside and like Holmes I didn’t just see I observed.

I reached the metal pipe gate which lead onto the track that the digger made within five minutes of walking. That must have been a record for me. I unlatched it and went through. The quality of the track immediately decreased after the gate. The track that the digger had made to get to the pond was very py.

I was about quarter of the way to the pond when something flashy caught my eye. It was a few rainbow coloured sparks that had just seemed to appear in the air from nothing. I frowned. How mysterious. The only reason I could think of sparks was fire or sparks from some sort of electrical appliance. Neither of those fitted the surroundings. I was curious so I wandered over to where the sparks had burst up.

Suddenly two more sets of sparks burst up out of nowhere. They burst into smaller sparks then the smaller sparks nurst into smaller one till they disappeared totally from sight. By now I had jumped backwards away from the sparks. Once they stopped I continued forward. I should have been scared out of mind but for some reason I just wasn’t. I was still very cautious.

The image of what I found sitting down in the debris still stays in my mind to this very day. There sitting, looking up at me was a mini bird/person. His name as I was later to find out was Burson. Birson was somewhere between 20 -25cm tall and was unusually skinny. He wore a red and white spotted patch over his right eye. His head was shaped like a bird so the patch sat awkwardly. The rest of Birson was human like except for two large (for Birson’s size) wings that spread twice the width of Birson out each side and were just as tall as him. The clothes he wore looked as though they were once very bright and colourful clothes but when I saw them they were a dull worn colour. They had dirt spread al over them and were torn everywhere. The sleeves were cut short and had began to fray it was the same with his pant that were turned into shorts. He shorts and shirt showed of is extraordinarily pale skin. It was almost as white as a polar bears fur. His skin matched his feathers on his head and wings. They were also white but had been stained by dirt and had rainbow coloured feathers placed randomly amongst them.

“Hello, hello how are you today.” He had a high pitch voice that sounded like he was chirping.

“You’re my neighbour Alice. Well we finally met face to face. I’m Birson and I’ve been watching you. You are pretty fast at swimming up and down that lake Alice. You can hold your breath for a long time. You like swimming don’t you Alice?” It was the first time Birson had stopped talking.

He was looking up at me expecting an answer. He wouldn’t get one from me though I was in total shock. I was amazed and frightened. I am almost certain you could have parked a double decked bus in my mouth it was open that wide. I didn’t have to worry though, Burson already knew the answer.

“You do. I know you do. You are always in there laughing and splashing around. I like watching you from the tall trees at the edge of the pond. Let’s be friends. I’ll go with you to the pond. Come on.” Burson chirped. He was up in the air fluttering about. Each time his wings moved a small spark exactly like I had seen earlier came bursting of them.

Burson gave a large gesture for me to follow. I did. I have no idea why. I never used to even talk to strangers before the thing happened. So why did I follow Burson who is a mythical creature that the world doesn’t belive in. Those who do don’t know very much about them either. It might have been that I drawn in by the dazzling sparks but I’m positive it was partly to do with my curiosity. Like the saying goes ‘curiosity killed the cat’. I guees you could say it practically killed me.

When we reached the pond, I stood at the edge still. I was staring at Burson who was hovering above the lake. Burson stared back. Finally he chirped up.

“Well don’t just stand there aren’t you going swimming today? Hurry up and get in!” I quickly nodded my head up and down. Then I went over to a corner and got into my togs.

The water was very cool and refreshing compared to the hot air outside.

“Finally, took you long enough. Hmm. Do you no that I can grant wishes.” Birson chirped.

“No you can’t” I looked up at him. Wow I actually said something. I decided that I’d started talking so there was no going back.

“And why is that young miss” Burson was doing the equivalent of a human frowning.

“Well that’s simply impossible and that’s all there is to it.”

“Alice I can prove you wrong. I could grant you a wish. Anything at all I tell you. Well just to prove to you I’ll try to turn you into a whale that fits into this pond. Then if it works you’ll believe me and I can grant your wishes. If it doesn’t then you can tease me for as long as you like. First I’ll need your permission though.”

“Well seen as it’s not going to work I agree.” I think that, that is the stupidest thing I have ever said. I had seen the sparks on his wings. I had seen how weird Burson looked. Why didn’t I just click that Burson was something beyond humans. I guees I just wanted to prove Burson wrong

Burson drew out a tiny wand that glittered from his rough trouser/shorts pocket. The wand deffinetly didn’t match his rough style of clothing.

“Ready?” I nodded my head.

“Close your eyes.” I did so with a smile on my face.

“One two three turn Alice into a whale.”

A big gust of wind hit me with a lot of force. I didn’t get knocked over. How queer I thought.

“You can open your eyes now,” chirped Birson with a lot of pride in his squeaky voice.

I did and to my total and utter shock, I was a whale.

“What do you think?”

“Hmmmmmm,” a deep hum came from my mouth that could really fit a double decked bus in it. It was actually meant to sound like, “Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhh change me back you idiot! This is really freaking me out.”

“Oh no you can’t talk that means I don’t know whether you agree to being changed back to a human or not.” Bursons face was filled with terror.

“Hummmmmm.” That was meant to be, ‘you idiot, idiot, idiot.’

“I’ll go get help. I know the exact person I will ask. Wait here.” Birson fluttered away with the sparks bursting behind him.

“Hummmm.” That was me sobbing.

Burson didn’t come back that day or even that night. He didn’t come the next day or the next or the next after that. He still hasn’t come back. I’m still all alone. Nobody has found me. Dad hasn’t even been here looking for me. That really worries me. He should have been here by now.

So now you know why my life sucks. Oh and please visit I’m bored.

Wednesday, June 13, 2007

Aztec story

Here is an story I made up about how two Gods became Gods. It is fiction.
Many, many years ago before Tlaloc and Tlazolteotl had become gods Tlaloc and Tlazolteotl fell deeply in love with each other. Very soon they were chosen as a perfect match by a matchmaker. Bride and groom were both extremely happy.

Nearly a year later Tlazolteotl had a gorgeous baby boy. They decided to name him Tola after the city Tlaloc was born in. Tola grew up to be a very strong healthy boy, but as in all stories there has to be something wrong and there was. Tola had a very quick and horrible temper that would often result in one of their many slaves getting their heart ripped out of them by Tola. Tola kept all of these hearts in separate chests and buried them in the dense forest that lay behind his house. Tlaloc tried and tried to stop Tola, but he could not succeed.
Everyday Tlaloc would hold Tola over a burning fire of chilies in attempt to stop Tola’s quick temper. Many times a month the whole clan would be punished for Tola’s horrible behavior and still Tola paid no attention.

After 100 slaves had been killed, all the Aztec gods gathered together to discuss what to do about Tola. They all agreed that Tola should be sent to Mictlan (HELL!). Just as the meeting was about to close one of the older and wiser gods said “what about Tlaloc and Tlazolteotl, Tola is their only son we can not separate them from their only son even if he is as horrible as he is. It is very unjust on their part.

The rest of the gods and goddesses sighed loudly and nodded their heads in agreement. “What if we let them visit Tola once every fortnight.” That was just one of many suggestions called out that was screeched at by other gods and goddesses. They were in disbelief that another god could think of such a horrible idea.

After about ten minutes of quarreling the same old god who had mentioned Tlaloc and Tlazolteotl in the first place hushed every one of the infuriated gods and goddesses. He said “because no mortal can go to Mictlan (hell) and come back alive we need to change them. We can not change them into a beast because they will turn evil and try to harm us. The only obvious strategy is that we turn them into gods like us. They are both very noble and put in the right situations they will be very heroic gods. Tlaloc can be in charge of rain and when people want rain they can sacrifice a baby to Tlaloc and that baby can cry on the world giving it rain. Tlazoetl can be goddess of lust and sin, but she can also watch over women in child birth and honour those who die in child birth. Once a fortnight Tlaloc and Tlazolteotl can travel to Mictlan (hell) to visit their only and first son Tola. This way they will be able to travel back without being harmed. None of the gods and goddesses could find any thing wrong with this proposition. They all agreed that is how Tlazolteotl, Taloc and Talo should spend the rest of eternity or until another problem occurred.
The End

Tuesday, June 05, 2007

Here is an Aztec menu I wrote.


Turtle steaks: sizzle fried on a hot plate at your table.
Rare, medium rare, welldone. Just inform
your chef.

Dog meat: curried and presented on a bed of stewed
Prickly pear and lima beans, topped with a
Tantalizing sauce with the delectable taste of
Fermented maize

Deer: a large dish with one medium, small, or large sized steak placed in the centre with one
medium sized piece of pumpkin on the side. Also decorated with beautiful chilies, black beans
and kidney beans.

Turkey :A large dish with one medium sized steak of
Turkey covered in a delicious mole sauce with
two fried, poached or scrambled turkey eggs and
a handful of tepary beans on the side.

Possum Stew: a small dish with a filling amount of
beautifully delicious possum stew with yucca
sauce on the side .

Sea life dish: A large basket filled with a fried steak of
dolphin flesh and six raw shellfish. A well
cooked, medium cooked or lightly cooked pad
of nopal (type of cactus) can be ordered with
this meal.

Frog: A medium sized dish filled with six frog legs
covered in chili sauce with chopped up sweet
manioc and avocado on the side.

Nopal: A medium sized dish with three pads of nopal
that can be cooked to your liking. Served with
epazote (pungent herb), pumpkin and avocado.

Veggie Meal : A medium sized dish with two sweet
potatoes, chopped avocado, avocado leaves,
black beans, kidney beans and tepary beans
placed enticingly on the dish.

Side dishes:
Prickly Pears

Please select the foods you would like to eat then we will settle on a price for the foods. As payment we will accept coloured feathers, gold dust or cacao beans.

Diary Entries

Here are two diary entries I wrote from people in Paris. They are not fact.

Dear Diary
Today was another wonderful day in the capital of France, Paris!!!!!!!! I will never get sick of saying that. It’s about midnight now and looking back the day has been pretty jam packed. I now think I have made the right decision coming here to study at the University of London Institute here in Paris. I still miss mum and dad. I miss my sister even more though. I never actually realized how much I got on with her. It’s really strange. Now I know this sounds like something out of a cheesy movie but she always knew exactly what to say when I was in the blues. She’d be happy to know that my favourite part of the week is ringing her up. I would never tell her though she would never stop laughing at me. Right now the person sharing my room is a shy Chinese exchange student who doesn’t even speak English. No offence to her though she is probaberly a really nice girl. Today I learnt a lot of interesting and useful information from some great professors. One was from London like me. After all my classes were over I went to Galeries Lafaytte a high fashion designer shop. (One reason I like this city is it’s fantastic shopping.) The clothes in there are absolutely Fab!!!!!!!!! I wish I was rich then I would buy the whole shop (it’s nice to dream isn’t it). After that I hired some roller blades that about the size of the four other students from London. I went to their houses and hauled them out to the Friday night fever which is in the top ten must do’s for Uni students. So away we went. We roller bladed around the city for about three hours with thousands of other students. I was very tired and I still am! Tomorrow I am going to Tuileries which is according to the net one of the most beautiful parks in Paris. After a Picnic tea there I am going to Fete de la Musique with the four other students from London. It is a free concert, where you dance in the street. The next day I have volleyball practice and hopefully some decent sleep!!!!!!!!!!!!! As you can see I have a very busy schedule.
So Bye Bye for now,

Dear Diary
Well do you remember when I was complaining a terrible lot about those filthy politions. Yes well I was complaining about the fundamental rights for health care. Well have a guess what the president has just been saying……………………… he said that they want to build a better future for France. So they have come up with a policy for themselves. They are going to try to, reduce the rate of poverty, favour employment, assist families in difficulty and a sure the respect the respect of fundamental rights (in particular healthcare and housing). If I was a young child again I would shout I told you so. But on a very serious note I do hope that they follow through with all this because it would do this country a whole lot of good. Now I know what you are thinking, is it, finally that old hag has nothing to complain about. My answer to that is, well no actually. Yesterday afternoon I was walking along the street opposite that lovely new café that I told you about last week and along comes five very ignorant English students on roller blades. They were very inconsiderate and made me dodge them like one of those cartoons that are on the children’s programs. It was very unpleasant and I do not wish it to happen again. I have decided to write to the organizers of the Friday Night Fever (they were obviously part of that but decided to leave the designated track) telling them to tell the participants to stick to the designated track. Just a little note I am sure it is not only the foreign students causing the terrible but trouble. There is proberly just as many French youths doing the same thing. Oh and I just remembered a wonderful book I read. It is called ‘I was behind you’ and is written by Nicolas Fargue. I just thought I would write it down so I can come back to remember the author.
I suppose that’s enough for today,
Emily Frank.

Sunday, February 25, 2007


Americana in Stratford was amazing. The whole school turned up quite early in the morning ( or at least it was for me) and meet on the corner of Whites. We had the best spot out because all the cars had to stop in front of us to get a notice. Every one tried to get them to toot, some of them had horns that make a cool tune!After all the cars had rolled passed and parked on the street we went to have a closer look at them. They were beautiful! I absolutely loved the Corvette Stingrays. I got right into the american way and tried a Plain Jane ( hotdog). It was quite nice! So i'll be back next year.


Wednesday, February 14, 2007


Hi all, its 2007 and hopefully this year i will keep my blog updated so please visit me lots to see what i've been doing.